Support Early Music
Our efforts to support musicians and present early music to the Bloomington community would not be possible without the generous support of our donors. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to Bloomington Early Music that supports all of our artistic, educational, and community efforts each year.
Explore donor benefits below and learn more about the new Polyphony Society, an exclusive group of early music lovers whose gifts assure that Bloomington Early Music provides the highest level of artistic quality during its annual Festival.
Your Benefits*
Friend | $1-$49
Recognition on Bloomington Early Music website
Receive special BLEM newsletter updates
Become a Friend by making a gift today.
Supporter | $50-$99
All of the benefits above, plus:
Recognition in festival program book
Become a Supporter with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.
Sustainer | $100-$249
All of the benefits above, plus:
Special Bloomington Early Music tote for Festival week
Become a Sustainer with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.
*Your gift to Bloomington Early Music is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
The Polyphony Society
A group of early music lovers whose gifts assure that Bloomington Early Music provides the highest level of artistic quality during its annual Festival. Members receive elevated donor recognition and unique opportunities to connect more deeply with Bloomington Early Music. Consider increasing your annual support to enjoy these special benefits!
Patron | $250-$499
All of the benefits above, plus:
Reserved premiere seating for opening & closing festival concerts for two guests
Invitations to exclusive donor receptions
Become a Patron with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.
Producer | $500-$999
All of the benefits above, plus:
Reserved premiere seating for all concerts for two guests
Opportunity to be named as Co-Sponsor of a select weekday festival concert OR Sponsor of a select educational workshop
Become a Patron with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.
Benefactor | $1,000-$2,499
All of the benefits above, plus:
Recognition in the welcome remarks at opening & closing festival concerts
Gratis invitation for two guests to BLEM Spring Soiree
Exclusive opportunity to be named as Sponsor of a select weekday festival concert or the Preconcert Discussion Series
Become a Benefactor with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.
Angel | $2,500+
All of the benefits above, plus:
Gratis invitation for four guests to BLEM Spring Soiree
Exclusive Lead Sponsorship opportunities including Opening & Closing Night festival concerts, Educational Workshop Series or Virtual Concert Series
Become an Angel with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.
To donate by mail, please send your gift to:
Bloomington Early Music
P.O. Box 734
Bloomington, IN 47402
Matching Gifts
Don’t miss the chance to increase the impact of your contribution to BLEM. A matched gift from your employer may upgrade your giving level. Be sure to submit your paperwork (most forms are easy and electronic) and make a greater impact today!
Bequests & Legacy Giving
Please remember Bloomington Early Music in your will. To identify your donation as a memorial gift, please include a note with your gift.
Please contact:
(737) 990-1685