Corporate Giving & Support

Corporate gifts, sponsorships, and in-kind gifts provide the financial resources to support Bloomington Early Music’s mission to catalyze historically informed performance in south-central Indiana, including our annual festival. Bloomington Early Music enriches, educates, and inspires audiences and performers.


Thank you to our corporate and foundation partners who have generously supported our mission through monetary donations and in-kind gifts and services.

Naming & Recognition Opportunities

Tembembe 2023, Alex Koppel Photography

    • Logo listing on our website, digital, social, and printed materials

    • Reserved premier seating for opening and closing festival concerts for two guests

    • Invitations to exclusive donor receptions

    • And more!

    Become a Patron with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.

    • Logo listing on our website, digital, social, and printed materials

    • Reserved premier seating for all in-person concerts for two guests

    • Invitations to exclusive donor receptions

    • Full-page advertisement in the festival booklet included

    • Recognition in the welcome remarks at opening & closing festival concerts

    • And more!

    Become a Producer with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.

    • Logo listing on our website, digital, social, and printed materials

    • Reserved premier seating for all in-person concerts for two guests

    • Invitations to exclusive donor receptions

    • Full-page advertisement in the festival booklet included

    • Your name and logo on one of the following:

      • One virtual or in-person concert, including the BEMI Youth Performance*

      • The BLEM Community Showcase

    • Recognition in the welcome remarks at opening & closing festival concerts, in addition to your sponsored workshop or concert

    • And more!

    *Opening and closing concerts reserved for higher-level sponsorship.

    Become a Concert & Education Sponsor with a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift.

    • Logo listing on our website, digital, social, and printed materials

    • Reserved premier seating for all in-person concerts for two guests

    • Invitations to exclusive donor receptions

    • Full-page advertisement in the festival booklet included

    • Naming opportunity for one of the following:

      • Educational Workshop Series

      • Online Concert Series (including livestreams of evening concerts & streaming of virtual concerts)

      • Pre-concert Lecture Series (lectures/interviews)

    • Recognition in the welcome remarks at opening & closing festival concerts, in addition to your sponsored activity!

    • Gratis invitation for four to our Spring Soirée

    • And more!

    Become a Series Sponsor with a one-time giftor a monthly recurring gift.

  • • Title sponsorship billing on our website, digital, social, and printed material listings as our Festival Underwriter including your logo

    • Reserved premier seating for all in-person concerts for four guests

    • Invitations to exclusive donor receptions

    • Full-page advertisement in the festival booklet with premier placement of your choice (back cover, inside cover, etc.) included

    • Recognition during welcome remarks at every concert!

    • Underwriter recognition after designated premiere event title – ex. “Opening Night Concert underwritten by [Your Organization]”

    • Press release announcing your support

    • Multiple social media features

    • Gratis invitation for four to our Spring Soirée

    • Individual underwriter slide featured during all virtual concerts

    • And more!*

    *It’s important to us that our Festival Underwriter is able to tailor their benefits to their unique organization. Contact our Development Director ( for more information!

Festival Booklet Advertisements

Advertise in the Bloomington Early Music Festival booklet and reach thousands of the most cultured and engaged citizens in Bloomington and beyond! Our beautiful festival booklet is designed and printed locally with sustainability in mind, and the booklet will be available digitally with a QR code as well as on our website. Advertisements will also be featured directly on our website for a full year.

Advertisement reservation deadline: April 15, 2025
Submission deadline for advertisement artwork:
May 1, 2025

    • Full Page - $350* (5x8”)

      • Please note that a benefit of corporate sponsorship at $500 or more is a free full-page ad, prime placement, and other benefits!

    • Half Page - $180 (5x3.75”)

    • Quarter Page - $75 (2.5x3.75”)

    All ads appear in greyscale in the printed program booklet, and appear in full color in the digital version.

  • 1,000-1500 on the ground, over 5,000 through web presence.

    Early music has unlimited potential in demographic and geographic markets. Over the past three decades, our audiences have expanded dramatically, in concert and workshop settings as well as online. The target audiences for the festival are culturally-engaged classical music lovers who live in or can travel to Bloomington to enjoy our festival, excellent dinners at local restaurants, stay at one of our fine Bloomington hotels, and patronize the many businesses and services in our city.

    1. Pay for your ad by clicking here.

    2. Send email to letting us know of your purchase!

    3. We will follow up with an email on how to submit ad and other important advertiser information!

Other Ways to Support Blem

  • All non-cash gifts are termed “gifts-in-kind.” The three main categories of gifts-in-kind are:

    • Goods, such as musical instruments or gift cards

    • Services, such as performance space, printing services, or advertising

    • Expertise, such as legal or tax advice, publicity consulting

    Your gift may provide you with federal and state income tax benefits. Check with your tax advisor for deduction and capital gains tax requirements and limitations for your situation.

    If you are considering such a gift, please contact to discuss how your gift might be of value to BLEM.

  • Bloomington Early Music depends on volunteers to fulfill our mission. If you have an interest in volunteering for the organization, please contact and we will reach out to discuss your interests!