“Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.”

― Johann Sebastian Bach

Our Mission

Bloomington Early Music is committed to our mission to enrich, educate, and inspire audiences and performers in south central Indiana through musical performance that is informed by history. We support emerging and established talent that is local, regional, national, and international and the performance of early music that crosses genre and culture and engages all residents of our city and the region in ways that invite them to connect to history and to each other through this music.

Early Music is defined by BLEM broadly, encompassing musics from the medieval period through the early 19th century, across regions and cultures within and outside of canonical boundaries.

Bloomington Early Music aims to provide access and opportunities for all, and will not allow or tolerate unfair treatment or harassment in its activities or operation based on categories including age, ancestry, national origin, size, religion, marital status, and any status prohibited by applicable law.


  • We support the performance of music of the past millennium to the early nineteenth century that is informed by scholarly research into contemporary performance practices.

  • We support emerging talent that is local, regional, national, and international.

  • We are committed to engaging with society and aim to address important issues through the work that we do.

  • We support an encompassing approach and access to early music that is global and crosses boundaries of genre, region, and established canon.

  • Collaborations form the core of our activities


  • To develop a strong board and staff structure, ensuring that the organization continues on a firm footing for the benefit of our artists and audiences

  • To sustain, support, and grow the annual Bloomington Early Music Festival

  • To promote and support early music programming throughout the year

  • To be a source of life-long educational activities

  • To develop new audiences through media production and dissemination of performances

​“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.”

-Martin Luther King, Jr.